When are we Done?

The first question is, “Does it work?” But we must qualify that according to the question, “Who’s it for?” So the important but often overlooked first question is, “Does it work for the right person?” It may work for the...

Not a License to be Unprofessional

Software developers found a new methodology called Agile. Imagine you hire a contractor to renovate your entire house while you’re still living in it. The Agile approach is for the contractor to work on one room at a time. This allows you to continue living...

Starting the Movement

The first two don’t really matter. The first one might be a fluke, or it might be the busker on the street corner who needs to stand out.The second one either feels bad for the first, admires his bravery, or catches that bravery from him, so he hops alongside...

Crypto Scammers

Crypto may be poised to make a run in 2025.  Don’t worry. If you don’t like it or trust it, you don’t need to worry about it (yet?). Ignoring crypto in your portfolio is no different than ignoring any other sector —...

Timing is Everything

Before the Palm Pilot was the Newton.Before Facebook was Friendster.Before PayPal was Digicash.Before Netflix was Microsoft’s WebTV.Before DVD was Laserdisc.Before iPhone was Pocket Crystal.Before Chipotle was McDonald’s Arch Deluxe.Before Juul was Premier...

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