Keep Walking in Straight Lines

I’ve noticed something about me. Maybe it happens to you also. When I get overwhelmed, buried, and feel like there is just too much to do, I start to try to multitask. And then nothing gets done.  “I’ll start on...

Missed Opportunity

Ah, I missed it. Coulda had it for less than the expected amount. The Joachim-Ma Strad did fetch a pile, $11.3M, but it was expected to go for between $12M and $18M.  Do I regret this missed opportunity? Should I regret it? Regret feels heavy...

Juggling Chainsaws

If you’re gonna start juggling chainsaws, you better already be proficient at juggling. You don’t jump right into the art of juggling by starting with chainsaws. There’s a progression of skill development you can’t shortcut. Now, for giggles,...

The Security Trap

The big company. The government job. Tenure. A pension. Credentials. Own your own business. Emergency savings. Sidearm. Pickup truck. Shed full of tools. Relationship. Door locks. Church. Police patrols. Fire hydrant. Health insurance. Survival bunker. Leadership....

You Should Sharpen Your Knives

Clear some time in your schedule. You can’t be rushed. It doesn’t work if you’re rushed. Grab your whetstone(s) and gather your good (or crummy) knives. Take a seat with a straight-backed chair at a table. Maybe a little...

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