It Barely Works

Imagine you invent, design, and introduce a new product. You’ve built a startup company around this product. You build some prototypes and get some alpha testers on board. This process teaches you that your widget isn’t ready. You have some fundamental...

The Spinning Plates

Plate spinning looks like magic.  The juggler’s art of plate spinning originated in China during the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC – 9 AD) and then migrated into Western circus acts around the 1300s. The first instructional book on plate...


“Despite its impressive output, generative AI doesn’t have a coherent understanding of the world” MIT News Umm, how about a big, giant, 4th-grade, “No, duh!” Of course, generative AI doesn’t have a coherent...

Simpler is Better

I’m an advocate for uncovering nuance and recognizing complexity. Real solutions rarely come in the form of sound bites. Real solutions take digging in, uncovering the complexity, and taking it on. But also, simpler is better. Simpler means easily understood,...

Universal Robot Brain

β€œOur dream is to have a universal robot brain that you could download and use for your robot without any training at all.”  CMU associate professor David Held The purpose of the universal robot brain (URB) is to ensure sameness,...

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