Dumber Than We Think We Are

What does smart mean? I wrote this before: We’ve outsourced our memory to the cloud. Why remember what you can look up? Ask Google, Wikipedia, Wolfram-Alpha, or ChatGPT.We’ve outsourced our decision-making toΒ media. Why risk being an...

Stay the Course or Change Paths?

For some, Resistance invites them to change paths constantly.  “It’s better over there.”Β “The path you’re on doesn’t go anywhere.””This path is not for you.””Look how shiny and smooth that...

Feeling Heard

Spouses want to feel heard.Children want to feel heard.Employees want to feel heard.Customers want to feel heard.Committee members want to feel heard.Congregation members want to feel heard.Constituents want to feel heard.You want to feel heard. If you can make people...


go birds  / geow * berds / greeting Colloquial greeting meaning anything such as, “hello” “thank you” “you’re the best” “have a good day”  interjection...


Natural selection is about adaptation. The species that survive are the ones that adapt. People didn’t or don’t lose jobs to computers. They lose jobs by failing to adapt to a world that requires computer skills. People won’t lose jobs to AI....

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