There’s More Than One Way to Skin A Cat

I’ve never tried to skin a cat. I really don’t know.  “The earliest alternate version appears in 1678, in John Ray’s collection of English proverbs as there are more ways to kill a dog than hanging, with the...

New Words you Should Know

Merriam-Webster regularly updates its dictionary. Here’s a few for you. Freestyle — an improvised performance especially of a rap. Street corn — grilled corn...

Sutton’s Law

Ever been called a Slick Willie? Willie Sutton was a fascinating guy. The original Slick Willie — he robbed more than 20 banks from 1927 to 1952. Then, after being incarcerated, he escaped three times from three different prisons, including once from...

Always Help

It doesn’t take Mother Teresa-level compassion to make a dent. A great mission statement for a company starts with “We help…”A great mission statement for an organization starts with “We help…”A great personal mission statement starts...

The Push and Pull of Humans and Machines

What is the most expensive asset in your company, organization, or team? Your people, of course. When executives, bosses, and number-crunchers look at the spreadsheets, and especially if those spreadsheets get shown to the shareholders, the human...

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