
You’ll probably fail.You’ll probably make a fool of yourself.You’ll probably end up back where you started. But… You’ll probably learn something.You’ll probably gain confidence.You’ll probably never regret it. Share...

A Bug’s Life

Do you know the Pixar movie “A Bug’s Life?” Possibly not, because it didn’t have nearly the success that its predecessor, “Toy Story” did. It’s been labeled less polished, less relatable,...

Troublesome Proof

You think you have a good idea? Prove it. Go find some (3? 10? 100?) others who agree. If they exist, then you might have a good idea. What if you can’t find them?  Maybe you’reΒ not looking in the right place....

The Buffalo Approach?

Cows run away from the storm. Buffalos run toward it. Or at least that’s how the myth goes and how the motivational speakers frame it. I’ve never tested it myself. I just don’t have any Buffalos. I do, however, watch the cows across the field, and...

Dishwasher-Lazy AI

Are you dishwasher-lazy? If so, you probably don’t get what you want out of it. Do you rinse/pre-wash your dishes before you put them in the dishwasher? You may not want to. You may say things like, “what good is it if I have...

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