Magazine Nostalgia

Last week, I sat in a waiting room for what felt like an unusually long time. You’ve been there. For each type of waiting room you sit in, you have a built-in “how long feels right” clock in your head cemented through years of experience and...

There’s Always a Locksmith

Locks are impervious to us mere mortals — the front door people. But not for a locksmith. In today’s complex world, the systems we’ve been trained to use and guide our procedural living look impervious. My credit card didn’t work.I can’t...

Useful but Not True and True but Not Useful

We know the earth isn’t flat, but it’s useful to assume it is when building your patio.No history books detail a time in which the tortoise beat the hare, but it’s useful to assume it did when teaching about steady effort, overconfidence,...

More On (Moron?) Apple Intelligence

The promise of the AI brand is that it will either save us/kill us all. It has done neither. Any time saved by AI has mostly been chewed up listening to breathless media reports on management (or lack thereof) drama at Microsoft AI (some...

Charge What You’re Worth

“What should we charge?” If you’re an established service, all you need is a calculator. You can use a simple equation based on costs and time.If you’re building a product, it’s probably not as simple an equation, but based on what the...

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