Recognized Authority

Authority is everywhere, but which do you recognize? Do you recognize the authority of the laws of your town, state, and country? What about the international laws? Humanitarian laws? Do you recognize the authority of experts and thought leaders in institutions,...

Sound Human

This is obviously a template or AI-generated “first-touch” message. Hi John, It’s great connecting with you. How have you been? When I receive it, I ignore it. There are two problems with it: a) if it were someone...

Productivity and Purpose

I’ve spent a good deal of time and effort over my career learning how to make myself, my teams, and the teams around me more productive. In fact, my current venture is fundamentally about helping small software teams be more productive. My team and I have been...

The Best Use of AI Right Now

Search. Internet and data. The best at it? You should try it. As Seth says, “Perplexity is more powerful, more pleasant and more effective.” He’s right. I came to that same...

Hang On or Quit?

In the early 00s, I worked on developing Bluetooth. My company, Agere Systems, was an early licensee of the technology, and we were building a chip and firmware to sell to computer and consumer electronics companies. I suspect you had never heard of something called...

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