by John Macdonald | Jun 1, 2024 | The250
When someone asks me what I do for a living, I usually say, “I’m a typer.” Software development, like many jobs today, is just typing. But is it? How many times have you looked at someone else in your company and thought, “that job is...
by John Macdonald | May 31, 2024 | The250
Hollywood loves making movies about serendipity. RomComs, of course. Serendipity is almost always the inciting incident in a RomCom. However, most other genres also use serendipity to either throw the characters into the action or provide a critical...
by John Macdonald | May 30, 2024 | The250
Even if you’ve never been fishing, you’ve told fish stories. You know the kind of stories I’m talking about. You catch a 6″ bass and release it back into the lake. A month later, you’re telling your buddies over beers about...
by John Macdonald | May 29, 2024 | The250
You never want to hear that. But, on the other hand, youΒ reallyΒ doΒ need to hear that. Because unless it sounds stupid to someone, it’s not creative, innovative, or daring enough.Β Your creativity, innovation, and courage are exactly what this world...
by John Macdonald | May 28, 2024 | The250
For every person who stands at the front of the stage, there was someone who worked behind the scenes. For every person whose name is on the front of a building, there was someone, or more likely many someones, who worked behind the scenes. For every...