The Decision Tree

A decision tree is a tool that seeks to objectify and process-ize decisions. If this, then that. On down the tree. It can really help in a group scenario. The decision tree presents a clear and organized way to visualize and socialize a decision-making process....

Getting There From Here

Strava tells me I’ve run about 6500 and cycled about 10000 miles since I’ve been using that app. Most of those miles are right around my house with my driveway being the start and end point. Those are circular miles. I start...

Investing in Process

I love to write code to automate stuff. Here’s an example. I spent several weeks (off and on) writing a bunch of code that automatically generates a weekly status report. I schedule it to run once a week and it creates the report I need with zero work...

Better How? Better For Who?

It’s the heart of the matter. It’s the reason you’re doing what you’re doing. There’s little point if you’re not making something better for somebody. The thing about better is that we often assume that a) better is objective, and...

Change is the Reason

The point of activism is to make change. Not to put “activist” on a business card. The point of creating a movement is to make change. Not to make yourself a deity. The point of designing new products is to make change. Not to sell snake oil. The point of...

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