At 4TLAS, we build a platform that helps software developers build and test their code quickly and at scale.
The reason why quickly matters is the closer to the creation of a bug that you find it, the faster and easier it is to fix it. The reason why at scale matters is because running tests on a single device is good, but running those tests across many devices and over and over again is better.
The platform notifies our users of many things, especially problems.
You know the story of the little boy and the wolf. Of how he notified the town citizens one too many times about nothing in particular. And then, when there was a real problem, nobody cared, nobody came, nobody helped.
Our notifications are our currency, and we’re cautious and deliberate with them. We talk about it a lot. We experiment. We debate. We argue. We try new things.
Because when we spot someone crying wolf, we tend to ignore them.