Some observations from the “Every Day for a Year” project.
I needed boundaries.
Luckily, I recognized going in that I would need to bound the problem, or I would fail right away. Hence, the parameters. I knew this from writing articles for the last few years and developing software for 30 years.
There’s a big lesson here. Namely, we sometimes think that creativity, problem-solving, and “our best work” require less or no boundaries, when in fact, boundaries, even strict boundaries, are the exact things we need to unlock progress. Our minds can only handle a limited number of variables at once. Therefore, eliminating some variables, even artificially, can help you make progress, eliminate the wrong path, and finish what you started.
I do this quite a bit as a leader. When my team gets stuck or can’t get started, I bound the problem and eliminate some variables.
I needed boundaries, so I created some. In hindsight, the two most important were publish every day at 8:44 am and 250 words.
More to come…