You’ll probably make some New Year’s resolutions.
You might be excited, determined, trepidatious, or even reluctant.
But you’ll probably start out OK.
You’ll probably start to fall off.
The fall-off will turn into fallout.
And then you’ll probably feel bad. About yourself, your lack of will, and that the change isn’t gonna happen. 
Just like last year. Just like the year before that.

Will you ever be able to change?

First, change is hard. 

Second, that first step — deciding to make change — is important. More important than you’re giving yourself credit for. Anybody trying to get better or make something else better deserves credit. Put one in the win column for that effort. 

Now, let’s flip the script.

Systems, Not Outcomes

You’re focused on outcomes but outcomes are a result of systems — your daily habits, your environment, group culture, the organization. Focus on the system rather than the outcome. How can you make the system work for you?

The Narrative is Flawed

The typical narrative follows a script of lofty goals, unrealistic timelines, and then failure. Rewrite it. Treat the resolution like an experiment rather than an endpoint. Learn what works through a series of rewrites and recommits. 

Who, Not What

Not “what do I need to change,” but “who do I want to become?” And also, “what would a person like I want to be do here?”

Go kick 2025 in the teeth. 

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