From B to A is a choice.
But can you coach or help a B-player become an A-player?
The first thing to understand is that not every B-player wants to be an A-player.
Some are happy being solid, reliable, and being good, maybe very good, at their job. Nothing wrong with that. But if you see potential, maybe you can pull it out.
Start by raising the bar. Set higher expectations. Give them something they can own. A-players don’t wait for permission. They take ownership and run with it. See if they do.
Take away comfort. B-players often avoid discomfort and risk. They play it safe. You’re looking to see if they avoiddiscomfort because that’s just what they know, or because its in their DNA. Put them at the front of the room or in front of the customer. Growth only happens in discomfort.
Then, make them accountable to themselves. No more coasting. No more good enough. Praise progress, but don’t sugarcoat where they fall short.
Do they want it? Some will rise. Some won’t.
That’s their choice.