The World is trying to convince you that you deserve the A+ life and that you are a failure if you don’t get it. 

What is the A+ life? 

  • Rich enough to build and launch your own spacecraft
  • Healthy enough to live to 120
  • Happy enough to have zero regrets
  • Important enough to need a helicopter and private jet
  • Beautiful enough that people fawn over you
  • Successful enough that everyone knows your name

You deserve it.

The travesty of the hyperbolic A+ life sales pitch is that it has the opposite effect. 

“If I’m not the best, what’s the point?”

Here is the point:  having enough, contributing enough, and being enough doesn’t require sitting at the top of ~7.5 billion people or even in the top 1%.

Maybe you, or I, will never be the best at anything external, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have value to offer. Nor does it mean you can’t be wildly happy and content, i.e., successful. 

The secret is striving for the B+ life.

Not mediocre. Excelling at your life. Caring about the people in your life. Adding value in something that you care about. Letting the headlines go. 

How do you get there? 

You focus on Your World and stop worrying about The World. 

Let the A+ life go. It’s not for you. 

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