When I was in 4th and 5th grades, I got in trouble sometimes for Daydreaming. Standard stuff. My mind was off on an adventure (outer space, likely), the teacher called on me, and then I was embarrassed in front of the class.

I don’t know how often, but it happened enough times that I can recall a few. So, I guess often enough to have left an impression. Or, at least, the story of a memory.

The point the teacher was trying to drill into me was, “Daydreaming is bad. Quit wasting time.”

Today’s hustle culture drills the same thing into your head, “Do more! Schedule every minute of your day! Follow the script! Be productive!” Hustle culture sells the idea that attention should always be optimizedβ€”focused, productive, goal-oriented.

And sure, unconscious distraction by The World — mindlessly scrolling according to the algorithm’s desires — is a problem. Both for productivity and for your mental well-being.

But sometimes, don’t we need to explore?

Time isn’t just for crossing off items on your list. It’s about seeing new connections, letting your brain breathe, and allowing creativity to emerge. Some of your best ideas will come when you’re wasting time.

Get bored. Daydream. Walk without headphones. Look around. Read something you find entertaining. Let your mind stretch.

Maybe waste some time.

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