When you’re 17, you probably don’t know what you want to do with the rest of your life, but you have some ideas.

The way you figure it out is to pick something that sounds interesting and start. If you go to college, pick a major. The school provides you with a curriculum. Take this class, then this one. This helps you figure out if it’s the right place for you. If not, pick a new one and start that curriculum.

When you create a startup company, you probably don’t know exactly what the market wants, although you have some ideas.

The way you figure it out is to make some assertions and get started. We will build X, and Y will happen. Here’s how we’ll create the tension required. This helps you figure out if it’s the right path and you have the right idea. If not, pick some new assertions and get started again.

You know you want to get to the top of the mountain, but you can’t see how to get there from here. There’s the entrance to a path. Take it because it leads somewhere. If it doesn’t take you where you want to go, find a new path and take that one.

It’s OK to not know. In fact, if we’re doing something worth doing, we probably don’t know. It’s scary and uncomfortable.

What’s not OK is to do nothing waiting for a bolt of lightning or someone to tell you what to do.

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