Montgomery Ward was the first to use “Satisfaction Guaranteed” on his pioneering mail-order catalog in 1875.

At the time, it was a novel way to use trust to stand out from his competition. Trust in the mail-order business was a problem. It appears he backed it up.

Today, most packages you’ll see have “Satisfaction Guaranteed” stamped on them.
So do most websites.
So do most marketing email messages.

If you type “satisfaction guaranteed icon” in your search engine, you’ll get instant access to millions of ready-made, downloadable images that you can slap on your packaging, website, or email message.

But will you back it up?

If you’re going to stamp “Satisfaction Guaranteed” on your message, you better be willing to back it up. If you don’t, you will have blown up trust.

And trust is the most important agreement you can make with your customer.

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