More. Better. Faster. Cheaper.

  1. Every software engineer will have an army of coding interns who rarely get it wrong. 
  2. Therefore, every software engineer will be an architect, chief engineer, and engineering manager. 
  3. You may think this means less software engineers, but it will be the opposite. Today, software is expensive and slow to create. Unshackling army size and cost will lead to an exponential increase in software applications. More software engineers will be required.
  4. Given the changing software engineer’s role, so will his/her language (more natural language, less syntax) and skillset (vision, requirements, higher level problem thought, etc).
  5. The coding interns (ie, the AI generative coding models) have a great advantage over other generative AI use cases — namely, they live in a closed system with specific purpose and requirements. Given an endpoint and purpose, AI can easily write code, generate tests according to the purpose and implementation, execute tests, and then adjust the code until the requirements are met. 
  6. Product quality will increase, but probably after some famous and widely reported bumps in the road. 
  7. The coding interns bring another advantage — they can quickly try adjacent use cases and what-ifs, which helps the software engineer rethink purpose and outcomes. 
  8. The coding interns will get good at making decisions about applications and services to use to solve problems. Will we start marketing to AI? I think so.
  9. Similar with UI. AI uses the CLI (just like me) and API. These will become even more important than today. 
  10. Startups, especially solopreneur startups, will increase. New ideas, applications, and creative endeavors will become more accessible to more people through software abundance. Business will follow. This might be, at the end of the day, the most important and largest effect.

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