Leadership is about followership.

Can you, as a leader, enroll the team. Will they sign up? Will the follow? Will you know when to follow?

The industrial machine sought the loudest voice to lead. It favored the top name, the heftiest paycheck. Yet, today’s work era doesn’t need that. Modern leaders know how to cultivate followership.

Each team member both leads and follows, regardless of the title. The roles dance. One may lead, others follow, then smoothly, roles switch. This interchange nurtures an adaptable, resilient team, ready for any challenge. Many voices coming together as one.

It implies a proactive stance, courage to question ideas, and readiness to collaborate. Followership isn’t subservience, it’s partnership.

This shift from industrial machine leadership to a blend of leadership and followership is the path forward. A leader who can enroll the followers and actively switch to a follower themselves boosts team cohesion, sparks creativity, and engages work that matters.

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