Great read here from Daniel Miessler.


  1. The primary reason we’re seeing all this disruption in the job market is because we’ve been part of a mass delusion about the very nature of work. 
  2. We told ourselves that millions of corporate workforce jobs—that pay good salaries, have good benefits, and allow you to save for retirement—were somehow a natural feature of the universe. 
  3. In fact, that entire paradigm was just a temporary feature of our civilization, caused by builders and creators not being able to do the work required by themselves. And that’s going away. 
  4. But it’s ok. 
  5. Most of the jobs sucked anyway, and they took up most of the daily waking hours we were supposed to be spending with family and friends. 
  6. Plus even if this transition happens really fast, it still won’t be overnight. Big things take a while. 
  7. And most importantly—what waits for us on the other side is a better way to live. A more human way to live—where we identify as individuals rather than corporate workers and exchange value and meaning as part of a new human-centered economy.

I think a lot about work. I think a lot about AI. Write about them here quite a bit also. The above is a great summary of the conclusions that I’ve come to myself.

So what to do? Practically. Existentially.

  • Your boss, the company, the country, or the universe doesn’t owe you work. Don’t act like it.
  • Solve problems.
  • Give a shit.
  • Help others.
  • Learn how to use the tools.
  • Make it better.
  • Rise above.
  • Follow your curiosity.
  • Dig in.
  • Share the accolades, blame, and wealth.
  • Take responsibility.
  • Embrace the mission.
  • Be more human.

The real problem with the job market is that it’s just a cultural construct. The future will allow you (or your kids and grandkids) to do more yourself. Embrace it. 

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