Are Gimmicks Good or Bad?
If your nose is in the air, a gimmick is never for you. If you’re a hustler, a gimmick is always for you.
If you’re a producer, a gimmick may be a trick to extract money. If you’re a consumer, it may be a trigger that sets you on the right path.
If you create a dietary supplement and put “fat melter” on the label, you are using a gimmick. Does that mean no one who uses your solution will benefit?
If you’re a jazz musician, you might turn down a gig playing in a pop band because they use gimmicks. Does that mean pop bands don’t provide any value?
You can be an artist who never tried a gimmick, and no one saw your work. You can also be the guy who gimmicked your way to Instagram hypercar glory, only to have left a wake of unfulfilled promises.
Are gimmicks good or bad? A gimmick might prompt someone to talk about your product, or swipe right, or complete the checkout. Beware, however, because a gimmick might attract attention, but substance is required to retain it.