Every day we’re presented with 100’s if not 1000’s of tradeoffs. Most we don’t think much about.
Creamer or black?
Running shoes or slippers?
Scrolling through Instagram or reading a book?
These are true black and white, this or that tradeoffs. As singular tradeoffs, they don’t move the needle much. But stack them up over time, day after day, and they result in progress in some direction.
Are you happy with the direction you’re going?
The tradeoffs we do think about, care about and ruminate over help us find our tribes.
Less privacy for better national security?
Higher taxes for a government-funded addiction program?
Higher grocery bills for a healthier food supply?
Although marketed by the tribe as black and white, this or that tradeoffs, they aren’t really. It’s not that simple. These tradeoffs are nuanced, grey, and the best answer is only the best answer for a particular tribe.
In these cases, the tribes are in control of the direction. Are you happy with the direction your tribe is going?
Which of these types of tradeoffs do you have more control over? Which should get more of your brain power?