Trust is fuel.
Trust is a bridge
Trust is a contract.
Trust is a foundation.

And trust is a currency.

You can trade it, spend it, and invest it. Like with money, you can track your spending and ROI.

Some people say you must earn trust, but what if you choose to freely give it first?

Starting from a position of trust doesn’t mean you’re naive. It means that you recognize that most relationships, businesses, and institutions function best when trust is the default. Trust accelerates collaboration, fuels relationships, and builds stronger communities.

Starting with trust creates momentum. Withholding it creates barriers.

Of course, not everyone will provide a positive ROI. Some will take advantage or not rise to the occasion. That’s why you should freely give it, but not blindly keep it.

Trust left unspent is like sticking money under your mattress. It won’t grow, and it’ll lose value. You have to spend it for it to work.

Like money, trust is only valuable where you put it.

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