It’s not exactly your fault.
The System coerced you into misunderstanding the hiring process.
Don’t feel too bad. The System is a master marketer.
The System tells you that the hiring process is about finding the best candidate. The best candidate presents the best System-certified credentials. And that the best evidence for qualifying the best System-certified candidates is through past performance.
But what ifβ¦
The hiring process isn’t about finding the best candidate but eliminating the worst.
The worst candidates are just as likely to have System-certified credentials.
The worst candidates are just as likely to have outstanding past performance with relevant experience.
Eating your fill is easy if you’re the big fish with big teeth in an ocean full of small fish. You have your pick of candidates to fill your belly. If one isn’t filling enough, you just eat another.
But if you’re one of the small fish, you gotta think and act differently to keep yourself fed and healthy. If you miss one, you may go hungry for a while. You must make each one count.
Start by thinking differently about the hiring process.