3 Tips on How to Start Finding Your Purpose

Do you know your purpose?  Have you run out of steam trying to find your purpose?  Have you relegated your “purpose” to something that involves beer or golf during those water cooler sessions?  Have you simply gotten run over by everyday life and have just lost sight of what your purpose may be?

Here’s what you need to do:  Get yourself back on track, and start thinking about it again!  We have all been created uniquely, and we all have some kind of purpose and ability to make an impact on this world.  This world needs you to recommit yourself to finding it!

Maybe you find yourself in a moment in your life where those thoughts are so buried that you can’t even remember what they were.  I’m hoping these are some tips to get you started back in the right direction.  Certainly, your ULTIMATE PURPOSE may be bigger than can be determined by a few simple tips, but to get started, you’ve got to get the mind going.  Hopefully, this is that start you need.  It doesn’t matter what your age, or what stage in life you are in. It’s never too early, nor too late.  It is ALWAYS the perfect time.

Why find your purpose?

  • It’s the big vision purpose that gives us the inspiration and motivation
  • Your purpose helps raise your level of desire above the fear
  • It allows you to drag yourself through the daily grind and setbacks

What is the #1 thing you need to do to start?  DREAM….Start dreaming again about would could be….what might be….what would be AWESOME if…You see, if your mind has the seeds of those dreams, then your mind can make them happen.  The dream plants the seeds.

Now, when the seeds are planted, or even if you are having trouble finding the dream, here are the 3 tips to get you kick started:

  1. Find the right people.  Find and get around people who, in your view, have great purpose and great desire and accomplishing the same kinds of things that interest you.  There is a well-known saying that goes, “You are the average of the 5 people with whom you spend the most time.”  Find those people who will make you want to be better.
  2. Don’t be satisfied with status quo.  If you know there is more that you should be doing, don’t be satisfied.  When you get to the end of a day without progress, feel the disappointment, for just a bit, and don’t let yourself off the hook tomorrow. This DOES NOT mean, however, that you are to look past the blessings you currently have.  You should ALWAYS, everyday, be very grateful for where you are.  This is the key to healthy forward progress…Know and be thankful for the starting place.
  3. Find that which excites you.  You know what these are, or at least you can find them.  You may have to scratch and claw and dig back into time, but you can do it.  Find those things, and then visualize yourself having accomplished them and enjoying the rewards.

For me, I made the discovery some time ago, that adding value to others is one of my purposes.  These thoughts were born in my teenage years, and fully developed as a youth group leader and sometime mission worker through my adult years till now.  The days where I had worked my body till it was exhausted, but for the purpose of helping others, was the most satisfying and purpose-recognizing work I’ve ever had the fortune in which to be involved.  And sometimes it wasn’t back-breaking physical work, but mental and emotional work for the same purposes…and the same results ensued.

I honestly don’t know where it all will lead, nor what the entire end result looks like, but I know it involves these posts and these videos and it also involves the entrepreneurial adventure that I’m on.

Please connect with me, and leave me your thoughts.  I would love to hear your journey, and the purposes of your life.

Have a great day!


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