Yup, That Sounds Like Me/Us

Ever have a moment where someone recounts something you did, assumes you would do something, or replays a dream in which you played a part? Yes, of course, you have. When you hear it, did you ever think or say, “Yup, that sounds like me.” How did that make...

Rethink, Refresh, and Revise

I looked over something I had written years ago, and I was appalled. The writing itself, of course (oh dear), but I give myself grace on that because that’s just experience. But the content, oh my. I just don’t believe it anymore. What was I thinking? And...

The Player or the Team?

The Chicago White Sox did it first in 1960. They were the first to add the player’s names to the back of the jerseys on their road uniforms. It was marketing aimed at enhancing player identification. It worked, and it spread. Today, only three pro teams do not...

The Gantry

Nobody talks about the gantry when they reminisce about the Saturn V and Apollo. Except everyone who worked on the program. The gantry — the red steel skeleton that stood watch next to the giant launch vehicle — was a critical piece of the mobile launch...


You’ll probably fail.You’ll probably make a fool of yourself.You’ll probably end up back where you started. But… You’ll probably learn something.You’ll probably gain confidence.You’ll probably never regret it. Share...

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