by John Macdonald | May 25, 2016 | Action, Failure, Mindset, NoFear, Productivity, Success
They are inevitable, so don’t beat yourself up. It happens to everyone, even the SUPER ACHIEVERS. Some days just don’t work out, for whatever reason. Maybe you let the fear get the best of you…maybe you let the Instant Gratification Monkey win the...
by John Macdonald | May 18, 2016 | Business, Mindset, Productivity, Success
Spend Less Time Following Other’s Lives, and More Time Leading Your Own It’s not all your own fault…you know…that crazy and rationalized justification that you HAVE to check your Facebook feed, or you HAVE to check the news (maybe entertainment...
by John Macdonald | May 13, 2016 | Fitness, Productivity, Success, Wellness
Are You Sluggish or Unfocused During Points of the Workday? Do you feel mentally sluggish in the afternoon? Is it a struggle to stay focused at a particular point during the day? Do you lose creativity as the day goes on, or even as the week goes on? Some of this is...
by John Macdonald | May 12, 2016 | Action, Productivity, Success, Time Management
Some Simple Steps to Getting More Time TIME…do you have enough? Of course not! None of us do. But in reality, we all have the same 24 hours in a day. Why do some highly successful people seemingly have plenty of time? Why can’t you ever seem to find...
by John Macdonald | May 11, 2016 | Activity, Productivity
One Powerful Tip for Starting your Day with Purpose OK, people…this is a “look in the mirror” post. I’m just warning you now. Maybe you don’t want to read on…The topic is our alarm clock, and specifically our relationship with...