They are inevitable, so don’t beat yourself up.  It happens to everyone, even the SUPER ACHIEVERS.  Some days just don’t work out, for whatever reason.  Maybe you let the fear get the best of you…maybe you let the Instant Gratification Monkey win the day and you toiled in the Dark Playground…maybe you did or said some things of which you are not proud.  It honestly doesn’t matter.

What matters is what are you going to about it so that the same thing doesn’t happen tomorrow?  You see, it’s only if these kinds of days begin to string together, or they start to out number the “good” ones that progress becomes stunted.

We are human, and even though progress and achievement of your goals is indeed a CHOICE THAT YOU MAKE, we all are on our own path.  You have to find (and sometimes fight with) your inner voice, and find your path.  The point is: only YOU make the CHOICE to put yourself on the path.  The direction of YOUR PATH is likely to have taken some twists and turns, once you look back on it.

Some of those twists and turns are due to unproductive, or just plain depressing days.  Here’s what is critically important…

It’s YOUR MIND, and you have to take ownership of it, and you have to make sure it is working for you.  As long as your mind is staying on the positive side, the unproductive days don’t pile up, nor do they string together.  Here’s what you do:

  1. Look around you, and be thankful.  Gratitude is the key to keeping you grounded and when you understand how lucky you are, you can stand on that and move forward
  2. Review the day at end of it, and let yourself briefly feel the disappointment.
  3. Make the decision right then that tomorrow will be different, that you will correct whatever it was (didn’t take action due to fear?  Said something you regret?  Focused on the wrong thing?  whatever…)
  4. Now allow your mind to visualize the end of tomorrow and you having made the correction.  Visualize and feel the accomplishment.  Put yourself in that place and feel it.
  5. Go to bed with resolve, and remember that when you wake up, “Today’s the Day!”

Make it happen!

I made mention above of the Instant Gratification Monkey.  I found him, and his cousin The Panic Monster on a site called  If you are bit cynical, enjoy some dry humor, and maybe just a bit condescending, check it out.  He weaves a tapestry of psychology, truth, science, rhetoric, awesome stick figure art, and fair bit of wit.  I will be referring to more of his stuff over time.

I want to hear from you.  Please comment on this, or connect with me here, and send me a message.  I love hearing other’s stories and viewpoints to inform my own.

Have a great day!

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