Could we?

We figured about three or four hours to drive counterclockwise around Diamond Head, then Koko Head, then up the east coast to Kaneohe. From Kaneohe, we’d zip right over the mountain on the H3 to make our way to the airport near Pearl Harbor. 

A relaxing little ride allowing us to revisit a few favorite spots and arrive in plenty of time to make the flight. 

But then we ran into Dave, who blew it all up with an intriguing adventure opportunity — the hang-gliding experience I’d been trying to coordinate for months. 

“So what do you say? Can you give us a ride?”

My hang-gliding was, unfortunately, off the table. Dave and his buddy had their gliders but not the tandem. 

But support crew?

We’d drive them up the mountain, help them get launched, and then deposit the car by the landing zone. How long would that take? Unknown.  

We huddled to the side, and I started making excuses. Got a flight to catch. 

“I don’t know…” 

This is my nature. To back off. To shrink. To be conservative. I hate missing flights, but also, what was this crazy scenario? Who are these guys? And drive their car down the mountain and just leave it there?

Chris says to me, “You’ve been looking forward to this for months. Here it is. If we have to miss the flight, we’ll figure it out. Why wouldn’t we say yes?”

And with that, Dave thew me the keys.  

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