Your dishwasher doesn’t know how to wash dishes.
Even if you have a smart dishwasher, it still knows nothing about washing dishes. All your dishwasher knows how to do is blast heated water and soap around the inside of its box and then drain it at all out at the end.
We, the humans, have found that if we design a specific type of blasting water pattern, combine the water with a special chemical compound, and then (and this is so critical) arrange the dishes inside that box in just the right way, the “dishwasher” will wash our dishes.
Now we make smart dishwashers that connect to the cloud for pseudo-autonomy and have some rudimentary sensing capabilities. Maybe, just maybe, if the human still does the things that the human needs to do, you’ll get more thoroughly clean dishes with less energy, water, etc.
Or not.
You have found still-dirty dishes in your dishwasher a million times. In fact, your dishwasher doesn’t even know what a dish is. You could put anything in its box.
Because your dishwasher still doesn’t know how to wash dishes.
In theory, with AI, a future exists where your dishwasher does know how to wash your dishes. You just hand your dirty dishes to it, and sometime later, they all get clean. Every time. No more reliance on you to do your job correctly.
True dishwasher autonomy.
But the question remains:
Would your dishwasher ever decide that it just doesn’t want to?