Building a team isn’t a lottery. It’s a chess match.

Within the ranks of sprouts and warriors, search for your essential generals, gatherers, and snipers.

The industrial machine hierarchy is out the window. When you get your team around the table, each member has their place. Each better than you at what they do. This ain’t your grandfather’s org structure. You’re building a team for the new work paradigm

Generals are your torchbearers, leaders, and the stalwarts holding your mission high. Commanders in competence, visionaries in ambition, they help you steer the ship, even through storms. Since not all eyes are on you, you need others who can also lead, if even just themselves. 

Next are your gatherers. More than just hard workers; they are the heart and soul of your team. They see the patterns others miss, collect the knowledge others overlook, and build the bridges others cannot. They are the glue holding your team together, the unassuming heroes fostering relationships, strengthening bonds, and fueling operations.

Then come the snipers. Your secret weapon and game-changers. They dive deep, deliver big. These are your experts. 

Building a great team is about pinpointing these roles, and then positioning them to maximize their potential.Β 

Choose right, and watch your team soar.

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