wake up with determination

How many days do you get to the end of and wonder where it went, what happened, and why nothing of importance got done?  You’re just frustrated with yet another day of non-progress.  For me, for a long time, it was more days than not.  Maybe 4 or 5 days per week were like that.  But then I found some keys to making a successful day…and it starts with intentionality and discipline.

The mindset of “Hey, I’m just gonna see what the day brings!” That’s an excellent VACATION mindset, but it’s not so good when you actually have to GET STUFF DONE.  You must be intentional, and then you must stay focused on the important tasks.  You must fight off distractions.

How is that done?  Certainly there are different methods that work, and ultimately you must find what works for you.  Here’s the 6-step process that I’ve found works good for me.

  1. Night before: Each day actually starts the night before.  I look ahead to the next day, and potentially take action on some things.  For example, if I am traveling to my office in downtown Philadelphia, I’m out of bed at 4:30 am and then out the door before 5am (that’s simply to help fight the urge to jam needles in my eyes during the heinous commute).  To make that timing work, I prepare my food and gym bag and clothes that I’m going to wear before getting into bed.
  2. Out of bed: Have an intentional time to get out of bed.  This allows me to get out of bed with the intentional and focus mindset.  Regardless of whether I’m commuting to Philly or not, the getting out of bed with intention and focus is important.
  3. Daily Practices: Before starting the work part of the day, I partake in the following practices for anywhere between 20 and 30 minutes.  If I’m commuting, I do this in my car on my way to the office.  If I’m not commuting, I do them in my home office by myself:
    • Gratitude and affirmation: Everyday, I think about and say for what I am thankful.  There are so many things to be thankful for, embrace them, affirm them, and then you’re already starting out on the right foot! For me, a good number of these things are the same everyday, but I do also force myself to think of things specific to that day.
    • Vision and goals: Where am I trying to get to?  What are my long term vision goals, and how does today fit into those goals?  It’s critically important that you keep your WHY in front of you everyday.  Find your WHY.  Allow yourself to dream and visualize those dreams.  This is what gives you the inspiration to continue.  These are the big picture items, like:
      • Achieving financial and time freedom.
      • Racing in an Iron Man Triathlon or a Marathon.
      • Getting healthy enough to get off of all my medication.
      • Giving $X to my Church or some other organization.
      • To work on what I CHOOSE to, not on what I HAVE to.
      • To be able to travel the world.
      • To be able to feel more confident and in control of my life.
      • To never have to worry about money again.
      • To be able to hire a coach or mentor, and invest in myself.
      • To have more fun and balance in my life.
      • To create a legacy for my family and my children.
  4. Plan Your day:
    • Make a list of things that you need to do today that contribute to your goals and vision, and prioritize that list.  This is the day’s action plan to get you closer to having the life you want.  Prioritize it according to what is most important, NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO DO
    • Make a list of things that have to be done to just live your life (i.e., like “call the dentist, send email to the teacher”, etc), and prioritize that list.  These are the things that have to be done.  You may not want to do them, you may despise the thought.  But remember that feeling you get when you don’t do them?  Don’t let that happen.  As with the other list, you must prioritize based on what is most important for that day.
    • Make sure you plan your fitness…everyday…even if its just walking…do it.
  5. Execute and focus:  Now you just have do it.  Obviously easier said than done, and we’ll spend many blog posts discussing this important topic.  But for now, here’s a few overview things to consider:
    • If its not on your list, don’t do it.  Of course, things pop up all the time that are “important”, and if that does actually happen, then add it to your list.  Never assume that if something pops up, that its more important than something already on your list.  Be intentional and mindful.
    • Do NOT multitask!!  Focus on one thing at a time and get it done.  The average time it takes to mentally reengage on a task when you switch tasks or even allow your mind to wander is 11 minutes.  How many 11 minute switching times can you afford?  Not many.
    • Turn off ALL notifications from social media.  ALL…turn them off.  On your computer, on your phone, everywhere.  If social media is important to you, plan a time during the day that you will scan and/or post to social media on your own terms, according to your own schedule.
  6. Review the day, adjust for tomorrow: At the end of it all, its quite helpful to look back and see how you did, and how you can improve tomorrow.

I hope this was helpful, and I really want to hear your feedback.  What do you do, or not do, during your day that makes it successful?  Connect with me via some way (check out my About me page), and let me know!!

Have a great day!

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