We have a mantra on our DevOps, Automation, and Tools team:

“Make the right thing to do the easy thing to do.”

This is the standard to which we hold everything we make. We don’t always hit it, and many times (most times?), we have to iterate to get there, but it’s always our goal.

This mantra does two things:

One, it provides a target — a north star. One which we can always apply to whatever it is we’re building. It’s simple to say, see, and understand.

Two, we acknowledge a fundamental truth about our audience — humans usually take the easy road when available, even if it’s the wrong road.

That’s not a judgment statement. It’s just a truth.

In an ever-increasingly complex world, we gravitate towards easy, or maybe one could say simple. Simplicity encapsulates elegance. Simplicity accelerates understanding. Simplicity finds common ground. 

Know your audience. 

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