Beware and Be Aware of Your Preferences

Beware and Be Aware of Your Preferences

"I'd rather..." It's a simple phrase, and a simple thought in the moment. In modern affluent society, adults make approximately 35000 decisions a day. Presumably you make these daily choices according to your preferences. But which preferences? The answer to that is...

The Peril Of Comfort

The Peril Of Comfort

I've built a life of comfort...and its kept me stuck and mediocre. As best as I can figure, I've built that life of comfort for 2 reasons: Comfort is...well...comfortable. I like being comfortable. I've been sold comfort is the holy grail since I was a kid. Aspiring...

A Signpost on the Journey of Growth

A Signpost on the Journey of Growth

I acted like a child, and it makes me squirm just thinking about it. You've had moments like that. A moment when you look back, you just roll your eyes, and wish to never think of it again. You can't believe how you acted, and felt, and thought at that moment. You're...

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