You’re human. You’re team is human. Sometimes you miss.

You can follow all the rules of hiring, yet fundamentally, it’s still a risk. It’s a gamble. You gather data. You make an educated guess. You choose. Sometimes, it works. Other times, it doesn’t.

You’ve invested time. Energy. Hope. And it didn’t pan out. That’s OK.

Perfection is a mirage. Even if you’ve done everything right.

Give yourself grace. Embrace the missteps. They’re not failures. They’re lessons. Insights wrapped in discomfort. They show you where to improve. They shine a light on blind spots.

A missed hire is not a life sentence. It’s a detour. An opportunity to reassess. Reframe. Realign.

Fix the problem. Don’t dwell on the miss. Focus on the fix. Is it training? Is it a different role? Or is it time to part ways? Each miss gives you data. Use it. Learn from it.

Sometimes, you hit. Sometimes, you miss. Both are part of the game. Both lead to growth.

Boldly roll those dice.

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