In addition to being a software developer, I’m also a writer. So are you because everybody is to a certain degree. 

Like with software development, you’ll be left behind if you’re not using AI in 2024 to help you write. I’ve been using ChatGPT as a writing tool for many months now. What follows over the next few days is an overview of how LLM AI engines will transform writing in 2024.

ChatGPT is a general purpose Large Language Model. It’s pretty good at interpreting and creating the written word.

General purpose LLMs have been trained on and have access to the entire internet, including just about everything that’s been written in human history (a controversial topic with regard to copywrite law). Just think if you had an eidetic memory and had read everything. Literally everything. That’s ChatGPT. Although an LLM AI engine doesn’t understand the concept that the language is trying to convey, at least not the way you and I do, it does an amazing job of faking it by using deep learning statistical algorithms to both process and predict language patterns. 

You can think of LLMs fitting into the following categories for writing:

  1. Summarization
  2. Conversation (reply generation)
  3. Language translation
  4. Editing and idea and content generation

I’ll tackle each of these over the next several days.

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